Healthy food that tastes good.
Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to join a cult to use good nutrition to control your blood sugar, prevent diabetes, and ideally reverse prediabetes altogether?
Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to commit to overhauling your entire way of eating to be keto or vegan or whatever the fad of the week is?
Wouldn't it be great if you could simply eat healthy food that tastes good?
Well, it turns out a few simple tweaks and adjustments are all most people with prediabetes need to go from stuck to getting results.
In this part 3 for nutrition for prediabetes, let's discuss the 5 steps you can use to build a sustainable healthy nutrition plan that will work for you.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You want to be healthy, but the world makes it hard to follow through on your good intentions. We've got a program that will help you. Your first month is just $1:
Hey Doc, just tell me what to eat!
This is the statement I hear more than just about any other from women who've been diagnosed with prediabetes. The internet wants us to believe that good nutrition requires learning some secret formula for success, an it's full of confusing and conflicting information about what to do.
In this second of a 3-video series, let's look at the 5 rules every healthy nutrition plan will follow, so you can build a sustainable approach that will work for you.
If you missed part 1, go here:
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You want to be healthy, but the world makes it hard to follow through on your good intentions. We've got a program that will help you. Your first month is just $1:
Nutrition for prediabetes shouldn't be hard.
The internet is full of conflicting and confusing information about how to use good nutrition to control your blood sugar, but the principles of healthy lifestyle are really straightforward. They're easy to learn.
In this part 1 of a 3 part series, let's learn about the 4 goals that every healthy nutrition plan needs to meet for it to be successful for you.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You want to be healthy, but the world makes it hard to follow through on your good intentions. We can help you. Join Reversing Prediabetes, your first month is just $1:
"Hey Doc, what should I eat?
"I've been diagnosed with prediabetes, just tell me what I should eat."
What to eat to control your blood sugar is the most common question I hear in my practice from folks who've been diagnosed with prediabetes. And nothing creates more confusion and frustration than the myths and misinformation that surround the subject of carbohydrates.
Let's start at the beginning, and answer 4 basic questions about carbohydrates to help you understand what role they play in your nutrition and how you can use nutrition to help achieve good health.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You've got unique needs. We've got a program designed just for you. Your first month is just $1:
Out of sight, out of mind?
There is a truth to that adage that you can leverage for your health!
Take a key insight from the classic marshmallow experiment that you can use right away to improve your ability to follow through on your good intentions to make healthy choices.
In this 6-minunte training, learn how the marshmallow experiment and the "strategy of inconvenience" tie together to give you a powerful yet simple tool.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? You've got unique needs. We've got a program designed just for you. Your first month is just $1:
What would you do if you were shipwrecked on a desert island? Where would you start? Food? Shelter? Water?
The "Robinson Crusoe" phenomenon states that when we have limited time, we can't do everything - at least not well. Something has to give.
When it comes to making all the healthy choices that improve our health - quality nutrition, movement, and sleep - AND living our lives, sometimes we just don't have time to do it all. It is likely that a few key steps can drive the majority of your results.
Watch this short training to learn about the 80/20 principle and minimum effective dose, and how these apply to your health.
Woman 50+? Prediabetes? We've got a program designed just for you:
Menopause, muscle mass, and prediabetes
Menopause is a time when women face special challenges when it comes to maintaining health, controlling blood sugar, and living well. One of these challenges relates to loss of muscle. It turns out that maintaining or increasing muscle mass of crucial importance for preventing diabetes and reversing prediabetes.
Watch this short training to learn more about key steps for keeping or building a healthy muscle mass after menopause.
Dr. Topher Fox
Hey Doc, is this food good? Or bad?
Diet culture teaches us to label foods as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. It's rarely that black and white.
Here's another way to look at food using a game called "Better Than." It can help you move past the labels, and judgement that comes with, and start racking up more short terms wins to improve your health and beat prediabetes.
Check out this 7-min training to learn more.
Like this type of training? Woman 50+ with prediabetes? We've got a program designed just for you:
Dr. Topher Fox
Good habits can be hard!
Building good habits is one key strategy for improving health, but it can be one of the harder to implement well.
Watch this short training for insights about habits and 3 tips you can use to help yourself dial in your habits.
Looking for more help with prediabetes? Join our coaching program:
Do you like things spicy?
Spices have 2 great benefits for helping you in your pursuit of good health. First, the vast majority of spices have been shown to have health benefits like reducing blood sugar, treating inflammation, or decreasing pain.
Second, spices can help keep you from getting bored! By changing up a spice profile, you can make a meal taste almost like a new meal.
Watch this 5-minute video for some insights about spices and your health.
Here's the link to premixed spice profiles mentioned in the video:
Like this type of training? Need help with prediabetes? Woman 50+? We've got a program designed specifically for you:
Dr. Topher Fox
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